The Scholarship spans the duration of a year, starting in September 2024 and ending mid-August 2025.  

Yes, flight to and from Cairo are Covered, including pick up and transfer from the airport. 

The sponsorship covers the flights, accommodation, living bills, educational costs, textbooks, scholarship related trips, and emergency health treatment. The scholarship does NOT cover daily food, sim cards, personal living items such as clothes or IT equipment, non-emergency medical needs, repairs to the building due to misuse or intentional damage. 

The scholarship’s curriculum has been designed and chosen after careful consultation.  All students must follow the planned curriculum. External teachers are not permitted to enter the buildings or be part of the scholarship.  


We will work hard to make sure we have supported a student to avoid such a scenario as this has a negative impact on the programme as a whole, but if for some reason a student is unable to complete the year or is deemed to be unsuitable and sent back then the scholarship fee will have  be paid which is a £3000 fixed fee.  

Yes, the family can visit, but must arrange their own accommodation, and must visit during break times. Students will not be permitted to take leave from the study regime to visit family.  Family visits will not be permitted until students have reached their personal study targets.  

The Scholarship has an are allocated Cairo-based staff member and UK-based admin team that have regular online and face-to-face meetings with the students. 

No, currently there is not, but we are looking at the feasibility of one in the near future.  

Please do forward your intentions via email and explain why you feel you are suitable.  We can keep this on file for any future scholarships. Unfortunately for this current scholarship, you do not fit the criteria Email address: admin@sacredstudyz.com 

Yes, you can still apply as the Quran teachers will examine and see what further assistance, they may offer with regards of the Qur’anic studies such as ijaaza’s and Qiraats 

Yes, you can still apply as the Arabic teachers will examine and see what further assistance, they may offer in-terms of Language studies such as classical Arabic studies and Ballagah.   


We understand that during the summer there may be a need to return to the UK for a face-to-face interview for university or job application. Everyone’s circumstance will be assessed, and decisions based on guidelines given based the circumstances.  

The only break that is more that the long weekends found during the completion of the curriculum levels every 4 weeks is the Ramadhan breaks which is in the last 10 days of Ramadhan lasting 2 weeks. In this time student may apply to return home but will still need permission and a review of study level before being given permission to return.  

Please use the contact us to send the admin team a message, and we will get back to you Insha’ Allah.